Saturday, November 8, 2008

Top 10 Mother's Day Gift Certificate Ideas

This Mother's Day, don't stress out driving all over town looking for the perfect Mother's Day gift. Instead, give your mother a gift she's sure to love, a gift certificate. In this article I will give my top ten gift certificate ideas for Mother's Day. When choosing a gift certificate, spend some time thinking about what your mother's hobbies are. Does she enjoy sewing? Then perhaps she would love to have a gift card to a fabric store. Is she a painter? How about a gift card to an art supply store? Does she play a musical instrument? Consider a gift card to a local music store.Think about your mother's house. Does she collect anything such as plates, Hummel figurines, coins, vintage jewelry, or stamps? Why not give her an eBay gift certificate so she can purchase more items for her collection?Is your mom a movie buff? How about a gift certificate to her local video store. Or perhaps she would love to have a gift card to her local movie theater. Be sure to add a little extra to the card so she can splurge on popcorn and snacks.Does your mother enjoy live theater? Find out which theaters are near her and purchase gift certificates for a night out of live theater. Include a schedule of all of the upcoming performances.Most mothers love to have a night off from cooking. Purchase a gift certificate for her favorite restaurant or surprise her with a gift certificate from a restaurant or coffee house that she has been wanting to try.

Does your mother enjoy reading? Consider a gift card to a local book store. You may also want to consider gift certificates to used book stores if she has a good one in her area. Is your mother Internet savvy? Why not purchase a gift certificate for online stores such as Amazon, Overstocks, or eBay? She is bound to find something she would love at one of these online stores.Mother's Day is the perfect time of the year for moms who love gardening. Consider buying her a gift card to a local nursery, or to stores such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, or Menards that have large garden centers.What mom doesn't love to get new clothes? Find out which store she normally shops at, or consider purchasing a mall gift certificate so she can choose from a large selection of stores.Would your mother enjoy a day of pampering? Consider a gift certificate at a salon or spa for a facial, massage, manicure, pedicure, tanning session, or a new hair style. To add a more personal touch, I recommend presenting the gift certificate in a basket filled with goodies that relate to the gift certificate. You don't need to spend a lot of money, it could be as simple as a coffee mug, a packet of seeds, a bookmark, a Bible verse, an assortment of chocolates or a fun magazine for her read. And be sure to include a nice Mother's Day card along with the basket.The number one gift you can give your mother this Mother's Day is your time. Offer to take your mother out to spend her gift certificate. Accompany her to the movies, drive her to the nursery, take her out shopping, join her for a night out at the theater, or just sit and watch her favorite DVDs with her. Like they say in the MasterCard commercials, "Time spent with your mother: Priceless." By Julie Lind

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